Monday, November 12, 2012

Only week II?

Week II (only that long? feels like for-ev-errrrrr)

Emotional: I miss Lyle a lot. I'm highly stressed right now so my emotions are running pretty high. A couple times last week things just felt really overwhelming and I had to take a deep breath instead of just bursting into tears. Because crying wouldn't solve the problem. Or make it any better. 

Physical: I'm feeling great- starting to taper (reduce) my weekly running mileage for the marathon and I'm feeling strong. Lots of hydration, hand-washing and vitamins. Gotta stay healthy.  I had a great run on Sunday with my training group, met a new gal and we carried on conversation for about 8 miles. Pretty impressive. 

Communication: Lyle has been amazing with writing emails. I love getting email so frequently! I need to get better about sending them more often.

Something Fun You did This week: Spending time with Dan and Shane while watching terrible movies from 1992 was really fun. 

What are you looking forward to next week: THE NEW HOUSE!!!!!

What made you happy this week: Reading emails from Lyle and family, the election results, the Cowboys beat the Eagles yesterday. I also got a haircut which was some nice "me" time. 

What made you sad/mad this week: Feeling stressed/anxious about the move, wishing Lyle were here to help. 

What do you miss this week: Cooking and eating meals together. I ate fish 4 or 5 times last week because it was easy. I wish he was here to grill some delicious meat. 

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: I'm so guilty of rocking out to ridiculous music this week- new song from Taylor Swift that is super cheesy. Lots of peppy pop music happening these days. 

Pictures from this Week: 
 New haircut. I LOVE IT! 
 Stuck in traffic (as usual) but the view was pretty. 
 Less than a month to go now! Woohoo!
Huge full rainbow Saturday evening. Never gets old. 

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