Emotional: Goodbye day was SO tough. Even now thinking too long about those last moments together gets me teary. But after that first day apart I've done really well. That is, until Sunday night. Sunday nights always were tough during deployments on The Old Boat and apparently still continue to be that way. It was all I could do to not randomly burst into tears at the grocery store Sunday night, just because I was feeling weepy.
Physical: Mostly good- my right foot is a little tender, I think from being on my feet so much in the kitchen last week when I was packing boxes. I had another long run for my marathon training today and it was great! My running group planned for 16 miles and I felt strong and amazing the whole time, even though it was hot and hazy.
Communication: I feel lucky to have gotten a couple emails so far. I know that soon we won't have email and the silence will be tough. Lyle also left me a stack of cards to open at certain times and I got to open a card on Halloween. It was cute and fun and made my day.
Something Fun You did This week: I ran a 5k on Saturday called The Color Run- it was an untimed, FUN run where you wear white and get colored powder thrown on you at various points along a race course. See pictures below.
What are you looking forward to next week: It's going to be a busy week so I'm looking forward to it passing quickly, I guess?
What made you happy this week: Email and my Halloween card.
What made you sad/mad this week: Hearing about the devastation on the East Coast is tough.
What do you miss this week: My old job in South Carolina. I miss having 4 day work weeks, being basically my own boss, my office and the people I worked with. Not that I don't enjoy my work out here, but I miss BCI.
Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: Nothing new to report. I rarely watch TV, I haven't been to the movies or a RedBox lately. The only TV I watched this week was football. But there are a few shows I'm excited to watch- The Next Iron Chef Road to Redemption and Whitney starts back up again in 2 weeks.
Pictures from this week:
Halloween Inspired Mani!
Snuggles with Captain Jack
How I spent my Friday night- updating rosters and Phone Trees.
The Color Run! With our friend Dan before and then my shirt after the Colors!
Pretty sunrise this morning on my way to go running.
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