Monday, January 28, 2013

Week thirteen

Deployment Recap:

Emotional: Doing well- the boat is in port so it's been nice to actually talk to and see Lyle a few days in a row. It's still hard being apart and we aren't even halfway done yet, so that still makes me sad. 

Physical: Feeling awesome- running, CrossFitting, eating right- I'm seeing some awesome changes in my body and I love them!

Communication: Lots of emails, phone calls, and FaceTime. Time zones are tough- he's a day apart and some hours, but I'm more than willing to wake up at any hour of the night to talk. (and I have been)

Something Fun You did This week: I spent all day on Saturday with my friend T, who I used to live across the street from on Hickam. We went garage sale-ing, ate lunch, got pedicures AND explored the craft shop on base. Lots of fun! 

What are you looking forward to next week:  Figuring out some big travel plans. Also, I'm observing the training program at work in preparation for taking over very soon!

What made you happy this week: The boat being in port. Hearing from Lyle so much. 

What made you sad/mad this week: I had plans to go hiking and looking for whales on the West side of the island, but the person I was supposed to go with cancelled. Maybe next weekend instead. 

What do you miss this week: Soda. I haven't had Diet Soda since Sept 19th 2011, but suddenly I'm craving it like crazy. I want a Diet Dr. Pepper with Vanilla from Sonic. Bad. Good thing there's not a sonic for 4000 miles. 

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: San Francisco by the Mowgli's. It's on repeat as much as possible. 

Pictures from This week:

Feeding the Koi Fish at the Dole Plantation during my adventures on Saturday. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 12 (lots of pictures!)

Deployment Recap:
Emotional: I’m feeling fine- the feelings come in waves and I’m not going surfing this week.

Physical: Recovering from a quick weekend on the mainland with too little sleep. I did CrossFit this morning and then hiked Koko Head. I might be crazy. I also might be really sore tomorrow.

Communication: Lots of emails! Makes me so happy!

Something Fun You did This week: SO very many fun things- I had a blast in San Diego over the weekend- the whole trip was fun.

What are you looking forward to next week: More communications. I hope.

What made you happy this week: Being with good friends and having so much to be happy about.

What made you sad/mad this week:  We had a rough flight back to the island last night. I was tired and not in the mood to be on a plane for 7 hours.

What do you miss this week: I miss holding hands with Lyle.

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: Bad Books by Forest Whitaker is still on heavy rotation.
Pictures from This week:

Captain Jack on top, his (much larger) twin Rascal on the bottom. Rascal belongs to my good friends. 

My reaction to the HUGE and delicious margarita in San Diego Saturday night. 

An amazing alleyway next to the brunch spot we went to. 
base of the 1070 stairs of craziness
Koko Head from afar. 

views from the top! Amazing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 11

Suddenly it feels like a lot longer than this.

Emotional: Sad. Happy. Lonely. Grouchy. 

Physical: Sore- in the best way possible. CrossFit is awesome. Running continues. Gotta get some longer distances in with a few big races happening in the next month. 

Communication: A few emails here and there. It's nice to hear from Lyle anytime I get an email. I'm trying to do better about writing him also. 

Something Fun You did This week: I went to the pool twice- just to sit in the sunshine and read my books. It felt good. 

What are you looking forward to next week: I have a busy weekend planned. More about that later. 

What made you happy this week: Emails. Sunshine. Lighter work loads. Being able to say "no" and feeling good about it. 

What made you sad/mad this week:  I had to work all day Saturday. It was a long and tiring day. 

What do you miss this week: Everything about Lyle. I miss my life partner. My best friend. 

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: Nothing is readily coming to mind. 

Pictures from this week:

Current reading pile. I'm working on reading more. It makes me happy.

new dress and belt! Yay for dresses year-round! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 10, in the books~!

Deployment Recap: Week 10? Is that right? It feels so much shorter, but infinitely longer at the same time. 

Emotional: I'm okay. Not happy, Not sad. Just okay. I miss Lyle. I miss the phone calls and facetime. 

Physical: Feeling SORE! I started training at CrossFit on Saturday, then ran 8 miles in really strong wind on Sunday. Then CrossFit again today. Tomorrow is my normal 4 miles, and Wed/Thurs will be repeats of Mon/Tues. Can we say Beast Mode? I love the sore. It's awesome. I'm excited about getting in the best shape of my life. 

Communication: One email. Better than none. 

Something Fun You did This week: Saturday was a great day- I went to see "This is 40", then went and met coworkers for dinner. We sat and chatted for a long time. It felt good just to be normal for a few hours. 

What are you looking forward to next week: Hopefully a few more emails? 

What made you happy this week:  I asked for and was given a new position at work- I'm going to be taking over the training program for all our new hires. We do an intense 4 days of training all about Autism, Behavior Theory, Behavior Analysis and program materials. I love the fundamentals of my job and I can't wait to be teaching it! 

What made you sad/mad this week: Not much that I can think of.

What do you miss this week: It's been pretty rainy and windy, so I miss the sunshine. But it's still warm and I still live in Hawaii, so I can't complain much. 

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: Still not watching much TV. I am loving all the songs from last week.
Pictures from this week:

yup, I'm a crazy cat lady. And I'm okay with that. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Week 9 DONE!

Deployment Recap:

Emotional: I'm doing quite well- stress of the holidays is over and I finally heard from Lyle!!!!! 

Physical: I was incredibly lazy the past week when I was in Spokane. It was beyond cold and snowy outside and I used every excuse I could to stay curled up on the couch with warm blankets. I did finally go running today now that I'm back on the Island- it felt good and I have some big plans in the works for 2013. 

Communication: YES! We finally got emails, phone calls and even some Skype/FaceTime. The boat pulled into a port and it was such a huge relief to hear from Lyle again. 

Something Fun You did This week: Hung out with my family and friends in Spokane. 

What are you looking forward to next week: Getting back into a good, healthy, more relaxed routine. 

What made you happy this week: Hearing from Lyle was huge! And of course seeing my mom and sisters and spending a lot of time with them. It was so great to relax and be with those that I love. 

What made you sad/mad this week: Not a darn thing. 

What do you miss this week: I still miss Lyle, seeing him is great but it only makes me want him home. 

Favorite song/show/movie of the moment: Lots of new music thanks to the Satellite Radio in my mom's SUV- Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood, True Romance by Citizens, Forest Whitaker by Bad Books, Symptoms by Atlas Genius. 

Pictures from This week:
Christmas Morning with Celeste

Found on the tree

She's a cool kid

Matching yoga pants are the new equivalent of matching holiday PJ's

We had a lot of fun together

Proof of the cold. 

I got my hair color and cut. I LOVE IT! 

Once home in Hawaii Captain Jack snuggled up for New Years Eve

Lexi wanted in on the exciting night also.

Happy 2013 from my family to yours!